

Wearing: Lioness top, Romwe pants, Novo wedges, Swarovski necklace

Hey lovelies,

Next week I am going to Bali and I am so pumped for it, however I am currently procrastination packing. Packing used to be really fun and easy for me, just picking out outfits etc. But now I find it is such a task and an unenjoyable process. But at the same time I will do it because it means I have an exciting adventure ahead of me. Fair warning, my Instagram will definitely be spammed with Bali pics, and I am hoping for a few posts on here too. So if you want some serious travel envy, make sure to keep and eye out here and on my Insta. 
Now to talk about this outfit. I really love this top, it is so different and quite an eye-catcher. I think the black and white checks go really well with the pink colour of my pants and shoes. All together this outfit is perfect for formal occasions like dinners etc. I do have to admit, however, this top is a bit of a struggle to tie up, to be honest, I'm like 99% sure I didn't do it right, but oh well, it worked okay.

Kisses to you all,
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